Taco Sidetable Design Pablo Figuera and Älvaro Goula for Gofi

 539,00 729,00


Taco Sidetable Design Pablo Figuera and Älvaro Goula for Gofi

The Taco sidetable is designed by Pablo Figuera and Älvaro Goula for the Spanish Brand Gofi. According to the spanish dictionary, a “taco” is a short and thick piece of wood that can be used in many ways. That is also applicable in this case, the Taco can be used as a side table but can also be used as a stool. Due to its basic shape, it is a particularly elegant product that can be used in many interiors. It is available in solid oak or solid American walnut, both versions are finished with a matte varnish. The format is 32 wide x 35.5 deep and 48.5 cm high. The delivery time of the Taco side table is 3 weeks.

Pablo Figuera and Älvaro Goula

Pablo Figuera (Madrid 1988) and Álvaro Goula are designers who enjoyed their education at the Elisava in Barcelona. They are also bachelor of arts at the University of Southamton. After working for several design studios for a number of years, they decided in 2012 to start their own design studio. Since then, their work has been at the center of conceptual and commercial design, where industrial values ​​and creativity come together and nurture each other. From the outset, Pablo and Álvaro have adhered to an unmistakable principle in design: the obsessive care for the shape of the object, which expresses aesthetic values ​​through its material, respect for the manufacturing process and, of course, usability. Their designs are elegant and easy to understand.


The Taco sidetable is produced by Gofi. In the summer of 2015, Álvaro Goula and Pablo Figuera founded Home Adventures, an experimental brand with which they wanted to produce bold designs that were different from their work for other companies. Following the success of the Lines & Dots lighting series, they decided to expand the collection in 2018 with the ambition to meet all the needs of contemporary life. That’s how GOFI was born, a new brand that continues the path started by Home Adventures and raises the bar without leaving its original idea: “To create designs that allow us to express our aesthetic principles, enjoy our work!”.



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